Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thank You!

I feel the need to send out a big "Thank You" to all of my customers. A year and half ago I closed my retail store that I had been in for three and half years due to being broken into on two separate occasions. At the time, I was so discouraged and disappointed over the whole situation and felt that I would never be able to have a store again. During this hiatus, I was still running the business from my website but you know, it is just not the same. Granted it keeps the business "out there" but it does nothing for the person who enjoys the interaction with their customers. I enjoy getting to know my customers as more than customers but as friends.

So now that I have been blessed with the opportunity of opening up a retail store again, I have to say that it still "fits" . You know like that favorite pair of shoes that you have that are older than dirt but feel so good you hate to get rid of them. They just fit!

I have enjoyed having the store open again. Meeting new customers and renewing friendships with those of you that use to shop at the old store. It is a rewarding day when I have the opportunity to go into the store on Thursdays ~ Saturdays each week.

Words cannot express my sincere appreciation all of you and I look forward to seeing you in the store in the near future! THANK YOU!

Lisa ~ SLC